BillyOh 400 12 x 10 Overlap Workshop Shed

The BillyOh 400 range is designed for the customer with the emphasis on versatility to suit all sizes with a more traditional finish. Double doors, fixed side windows and a more standardised height allowing more storage and work space, giving a traditional and consistent feel. Width: 312.7cm / 10’3” Depth: 356cm / 11'8” Eaves Height: 152.1cm / 5’ Ridge Height: 220.9cm / 7’3” Eaves Height (Internal): 151.1cm / 4’11” Ridge Height (Internal): 218.3cm / 7'2” Door Opening Size (w x h): 102.6cm x 169.5cm / 3’4” x 5’7” Width (Internal): 298.6cm / 9’10” Depth (Internal): 351.6cm/ 11’6” Door Height: 174.8cm / 5’9” Door Width: 50.9cm / 1’9” Window Dimensions: 53cm x 54.4cm / 1'9” x 1'9” Frame Thickness (w x d): 2.8cm x 2.8cm / 1” x 1” Roof Material: Solid Sheet Material Floor Material: Solid Sheet Material Cladding Style: Overlap Windows: Styrene – 6 Windows (all fixed)

Price: £551.95 Inc. VAT

{Buy BillyOh 400 12 x 10 Overlap Workshop Shed

Sold by : Tesco

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Did you know ?

8m / 5’9” Door Width: 508cm / 15’5” Door Height: 174

1cm / 5’ Ridge Height: 2207cm / 10’3” Depth: 356cm / 11'8” Eaves Height: 152

8cm / 1” x 1” Roof Material: Solid Sheet Material Floor Material: Solid Sheet Material Cladding Style: Tongue & Groove BillyOh 400XL Lincoln Overlap Workshop Garden Shed 10'x10' BillyOh 400XL Windowless 10'x10' Lincoln Overlap Workshop Shed BillyOh 400XL Lincoln Overlap Workshop Garden Shed 10'x10' BillyOh 400XL Windowless 10'x10' Lincoln Overlap Workshop Shed BillyOh 400XL Lincoln Overlap Workshop Shed 12'x10' BillyOh 400XL Lincoln Overlap Workshop Shed 12'x10' BillyOh 400XL Windowless 16' x 8' Lincoln Overlap Workshop Shed BillyOh 400XL Lincoln Overlap Wooden Workshop Shed 16'x8'

6cm/ 11’6” Door Height: 1744cm / 1'9” x 1'9” Frame Thickness (w x d): 2 Width: 3121cm / 4’11” Ridge Height (Internal): 2182cm / 15’6” Eaves Height: 155

Width: 312The BillyOh 400 range is designed for the customer with the emphasis on versatility to suit all sizes with a more traditional finish6cm x 169 Double doors, fixed side windows and a more standardised height allowing more storage and work space, giving a traditional and consistent feel8cm / 1” x 1” Roof Material: Solid Sheet Material Floor Material: Solid Sheet Material Cladding Style: Overlap Windows: Styrene – 6 Windows (all fixed) The BillyOh 400 windowless range is designed for the customer with the emphasis on versatility to suit all sizes with a more traditional finish1cm / 5’1” Ridge Height: 224m / 7’4” Eaves Height (Internal): 1518cm x 2 Double doors, windowless for more security and a more standardised height allowing more storage and work space, giving a traditional and consistent feel5cm / 3’4” x 5’7” Width (Internal): 2983cm / 7'2” Door Opening Size (w x h): 102

9cm / 1’9” Window Dimensions: 53cm x 546cm / 9’10” Depth (Internal): 3518cm x 2

1cm / 4’11” Ridge Height (Internal): 2187cm / 10’3” Depth: 4736cm x 1699cm / 7’3” Eaves Height (Internal): 1515cm / 3’4” x 5’7 Width (Internal): 2989cm / 1’8” Window Dimensions: NA Frame Thickness (w x d): 23cm / 7’2” Door Opening Size (w x h): 1028cm / 5’9” Door Width: 506cm / 9’10” Depth (Internal): 468